Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Only in Spain

What I saw today:

A man chasing after a bus, I thought he was just trying to get the drivers attention until I saw that there was no driver. Runaway bus...crashed into a tree and a sign. It had a cracked windshield and a huge dent...the bus driver backed up the bus, and people got on and it went on its route. Only in Spain.

Hot Water Update, WE HAVE SOME! My roommate spend the afternoon looking for a place we can get a Butane tank because that is how you get hot water and gas here. We have been out for about two weeks. So my roommate saw a man with the gas tanks, followed him, made friends with him and he finally brought us a tank and set it up so we don't blow up our house. We also learned that next time we need to get gas we just listen on Mon and Wed for the man yelling on the street ( hard to find which one since everyone is always yelling) and then yell out the window and he will come up.

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