This last week was crazy, both some good and some bad. So Tuesdays are my longest day, I teach 9-2, hang out with my British friend during siesta from 2-4 then teach the teachers 4-6 and I tutor from when I get there after school meaning I usually get home around 9. Well this past Tuesday I was walking to the Bus after school to go tutor and I walked by a store that had two euro scarves, so clearly I went in, well meanwhile my normal bus passed and I had to wait another half an hour for the next bus. By the time I got onto the bus it was dark and what do you know I missed my stop, well it was dark and I was in no position to get off the bus in a neighborhood I didn't know so I decided to call my friends who live at a stop down the coast and stay with them. Thank goodness they picked up and it ended up being oky after having a minor heart attack on the bus. I had a great time at Toren and Lc's we had a nice dinner and had a great time hanging out, everything seemed ok until the next morning when I got back to the town I teach in and tried to take money out of the ATM and it ate my card. My ATM card was my only source of cash so as you can imagine I had a minor heart attack. The bank would not give it back to me and even the school director came down to talk to them for me and they woulnd't budge ( side note my rent was due that day and I literally had a euro in my wallet). IT would nto have been such a problem if I had been paid already from my school into the Spanish bank account but ofcousre that was not the case. I spent the entire day online, and running back and forth to the bank...and decided to just wait until the next day. So the next day I had still not been paid and decided to stop by the bank and chat with them, only to find out there was a block on my account because of the way I opened it, and they tried to call me but because I had lost my cell phone and switched numbers they coulnd't get in touch with me, all I can say is oy vay. It all worked out I paid my rent and life is now good again.
THe one good thing that came out of that horrible day was that on the way home at the bus stop I made a Russian friend. There was a lady who sad down next to me and started speaking Russian on the phone so I decided to chat with her. We ended up chatting the whole ride, she took me to the Russian store in Malaga and out for coffee it was pretty great.
This weekend was also amazing, on Thursday night I randomly decided to stop by my friend Ashley's and we both decided we wanted to go somewhere that weekend. We were looking furiously online to find a cheap flight ANYWHERE but failed. Luckily our friend Greg invited us to visit him that weekend in his town Ronda which is located in the countryside. So we rallied the troops and took a bus friday night. Ronda is an incredible city, it rises up out of no where and has a huge gorge. It has incredible history and is actually where bull fighting started a very very long time ago. We arrived around 8 on friday with our group was: me, Ashley and our two swedish friends Lolo and Sandra ( Greg was lucky to have four lady visitors) luckily he had a three bedroom apartment to himself. Friday night we went to this bar called El Grifo which each table has its own tap, which is pretty awesome. That night we went out in the city and just had a great time, it was a lot less stressful then going out in Malaga since it is a small town and there are really only a few places to go out. Ronda felt a lot more like a Spanish town then Malaga which just feels like a big city and it was nice to get away from construction and get some fresh air.
Saturday we woke up and I made us a huge breakfast of french toast, bacon and eggs. Then we spent the afternoon exploring the city and of course went out for Churros. After a nice siesta we made a huge dinner and began the nights festivities. We went to a spanish botellon which is basically a huge party outside where we made lots of Spanish friends. We went out until the early morning per usual it was a great time.
The most interesting person we met that weekend was a guy from New Jersey who was actually training to be a Matador there in Ronda. He had a car and took us around the city to sites we could not see otherwise and even drove us back to Malaga which saved us a lot of time, money and stress.
Overall the weekend was amazing, I didn't stop laughing the whole time we had a great group of people. When I came back to Malaga I was just in a great mood and felt like it gave me a new burst of energy for life in Spain.
you're life sounds AMAZING right now!!