Since the last time I wrote a lot has happened, I traveled to Portugal and had a ridiculous time, Malaga has almost flooded (a few times), my kids have actually been behaving themeselves more or less and I have started figuring out my life after Spain.
I traveled to Portugal with 3 of my friends; we stayed in one of the nicest hostels I have stayed in, we had our own room with comfy beds, great food and it was only 12euros a night! I had been to Lisbon when I studied abroad but it is a beauiful city and there was so much more to see. Although walking around the city itself was a lot of fun the best part of the trip were the adventures we had going out. Alex had made some friends the last time she was in Lisbon and they took us out this time as well. They rented a private room in an amazing Sushi restauraunt that by the end of our meal had turned into our own personal discoteca- limbo stick included. The second part of the trip we went to Oporto, Portugal which is a small beautiful town on a river. The hostel there was nice too and we were thankful since we spent most of our trip inside due to a monsoooon. None of us had rain boots since this much rain is not common and our feet were constantly soaked. When I finally found a pair of rain boots they broke the next day...great luck. In Porto we went to some really nice restauraunt and had some great Portuguese food which I actually like a lot more than Spanish food, it is less fried and to me had a lot more flavor, of course we tried some port wine also.
Since my last post I also joined a gym which is only one minute away from my house ( had I known this the first four months my life would have been very different haha) Since I have joined I have recruited almost all of my Malaga friends to join as well, and by the nice looks the Spanish people give us I really think they love having large groups of loud Americans in their classes... They have really fun classes and instructors who work as hard for " Operacion Verano," operation summer. As much as I love working out the most fun I had related to the gym was the other night when it hosted a party ( only in Spain). The gym rented out a bar in an area that we had never gone out with before called Torremolinos. Although we had to take an 18euro cab ride the night was worth it. It was nice to have a change of scenery and hilarious to see all of our gym buddies out with us. We ended up becoming amigos with the Gym owner who then invited us, along with our our gym instructor, to another discoteca where we danced until the morning :)
Minus this weekend, when it is raining once again, the weather has finally been improving. Everyone tells us that this is the most rain they have ever seen in Malaga, lucky us to experience this phenomenon. I am determined to be the most tan I have ever been by the time I go, which isn't very tan but it is good to have goals right?
Well now that I have my computer up and running which is a whole different story I will try to update more.